D3 Lab | IISc

The Dynamics, Data and Design (D3) Lab is located in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at IISc Bengaluru and led by Dr. Akshay Joshi.

The lab focuses on leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and experimental methods to characterize novel materials to enable the optimized design of better structures and products.

Announcement 📌

We’re looking for motivated Project Associates/Junior Research fellows! Get in touch if you’re interested.

Latest News

Dr. A. Joshi invited Prof. Sid Kumar, TU Delft for ME Seminar @IISc

Title: Towards Explainable & Interpretable AI for Materials Design

Speaker: Prof. Sid Kumar, TU Delft, Netherlands

Dr. A. Joshi invited Prof. Sid Kumar, TU Delft for ME Seminar @IISc